1. Please don't disappear on us. If you are planning on being gone for an extended period of time please let us know ahead of time. A little communication can prevent you from losing your place in the fc.
2. Try to be social We understand that not everyone is the most social person. We don't require participation in fc events, or for you to be active in fc chat but it will help you get past the squire rank. Just remember, you're part of the family, we would like to see everyone get involved from time to time.
3. Respect is everything Not everyone can get along all the time, but we ask that you show respect to all fc members. If a dispute arises, please contact an officer so we can help resolve it. The goal is to have fun and work together.
4. Reputation is important While exploring Eorzea, remember that you represent the Phantom Knights. Even people outside the fc deserve respect. Harming our reputation will not be tolerated.
5. Have fun This is very important. We want you to enjoy your time with us. Above all, this is a game. Now let's go out and there and make something awesome happen.
Azshaden Lafrenz Admin replied
530 weeks ago