Azshaden Lafrenz Admin replied

530 weeks ago

We use different ranks as an efficient method to run the free company. Here is the rank structure and promotion requirements from lowest to highest.

Special Note: DO NOT ask for promotions. Promotions will only be given as detailed below. Harassing officers about promotions will actually decrease your chances of being promoted.

Phantom Squire:
This rank is for new players to PK. All new members are on a 15 day trial period. This time is used to evaluate how active the player is and whether they mesh with the rest of the free company. At the end of the trial period the player will either rank up or be dismissed from the FC. Squires have access to the estate hall and the first drawer of the company chest.

Phantom Knight:
The standard member rank of the FC. Players now have access to the chocobo stable and the second drawer of the company chest. Members will be dismissed after 30 days of inactivity unless an officer is notified ahead of time that the player is taking a break.

Phantom Hero:
Phantom Hero rank is for those members who go above and beyond just being active and sociable. These are the players who are helpful to other members. They take a more active role in the FC such as tending the garden, furnishing the house, and cleaning the chocobo stable. These players get access to the FC garden and get furnishing privileges. Promotion to this rank is at the sole discretion of the officers.

Raider Ranks:
Members recruited for the raid teams will be designated with a special rank denoting which raid team they belong to. They will have access to the final drawer of the company chest.

Officer Ranks:
All ranks above Phantom Hero are the officer ranks. Upon promotion to officer, the member will be able to choose their own rank name. Promotion to officer carries more responsibility. A member will only be promoted to the officer ranks after being nominated by a current officer and with a majority vote of all the other officers.
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